This is our intranet landing page.
Happy days!

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Whats new


  • New frontend
  • New backend client (very smol, to start and stop needed system services) *see here


  • Made the webserver and sql server run as a system service
  • Removed failed Google Sheets auth implementation, Something much better coming soon(®™)
  • Started fixing SSL certificate renewals - We get the certs, but need to start and stop the webserver to install them.


  • Added LetsEncrypt SSL certificate
  • Enabled SSL on the webserver ( and opened port 443 to allow SSL traffic )
  • Downgraded to PHP 7.4
  • Added ImgMagick, IonCube Loader, Zend OPCache, curl, zLib to PHP
  • Added FileRun Cloud Implementation (see below)
  • Made Monitoring and Control run as a system service
  • Added dual-mode TLS (SSL) and insecure (Non-SSL) Websocket functionality to Monitoring and Control
  • Removed some pointless alerts from this page
  • Added a warning when viewing this page without SSL
  • Partial google sheets API implementation (rudimentary token based backend login) (WIP)

Backend client explained

Currently the Monitoring and control app has a bit of a dilemma, when running as a windows service (its normal use case) it can either be run as a normal user
or it can be run as a system user (elevated).
When running elevated, stuff like OS.execute("CMD.exe",["net stop us_apache_1"],output), to stop a service, or maybe copy a file somewhere priviledged
or whatever else might need an admin command prompt. Rebooting for one.
So, cool, we run it as a service, and we can do that.
We suddenly cant do something as simple as open OpenHardware as it'll pop up a UAC prompt ("do you wish to allow this app to make changes..)
Any files saved by the app are then owned by "SYSTEM" too.
so. The solution, is to have a tiny app that can start or stop a few select services, and force a reboot if absolutely needed.

Cloud Implementation

I've added a Cloud storage implementation in the form of FileRun,
I had intended to use NextCloud like on my server, but Teresa simply doesnt have the bollocks to run a full fledged linux in a docker VM
This, while less customisable runs very nicely and seems to offer enough flexibility to do what need doing.
There is however a limit of 10 user accounts that can be created The cloud access is designed to be used from ELSEWHERE that is to say, if you are at the office, do not use the cloud site!
Instead you should either navigate to the samples folder by going File Explorer > Network > TERESAMAY > Samples
or alternately by entering \\TERESAMAY\Samples into the address bar in File Explorer directly